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Creative Coding with Java Processing

Processing is an intuitive introduction to real coding syntax that's accessible and fun.

This class is for kids who have never used Java Processing or anything like it before. Some background in Scratch is helpful, but not required. Java Processing is an intuitive, accessible coding language that teaches programming concepts through visual art. We’ll use to learn about syntax, variables, functions and loops. Kids age 7+ are welcome. Participants should be able to read and write and do basic keyboard operations like cutting and pasting.

Learn about how to create classes and design projects that work the way real computer programs do! We’ll cover the basics of creating and using classes, polymorphism and inheritance and how to use these methods to create games and animations. For kids that are ready to level up!

Wednesday Afternoons: Java Processing Project Jam

Each cycle we’ll pick a vintage game (think Qbert or Pac-man) and then work together to figure out how to recreate it in Processing using Object Oriented Programming. (For kids that have already been introduced to OOP with JP.)

Thursday Mornings: Intermediate Java Processing

The next step for kids who have mastered the basics of Processing. We’ll dive a little deeper, introducing images and animation, arrays and custom functions to make more complex projects.

Interested in Scratch?

Scratch Club: Wednesdays 3-5pm Come hang out, learn how to use Scratch, ask questions, share, show off your projects and generally have fun with MIT’s drag and drop coding for kids.

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