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Homeschooling 2020


Parts and Crafts has been a homeschool resource center and school alternative since 2012. We closed our doors at 5:30pm on March 11 and went fully online March 23, 2020. We've taught 8-10 classes per day, fully engaged and interactive. We've had incredibly positive feedback from parents and kids.


Going into this chaotic fall of 2020, we're fully committed to continue to be a resource for our existing community of families, and welcome new folks as well!


How It Works


We believe  very strongly in kid choice. All of our in-person programs are fully opt-in, meaning we don't force or coerce kids into doing what we want them to do, but ask them what they want to do. That being said, things don't work they way they did a year ago, so we've made some accommodations.


Each month we'll publish a calendar with all of our classes, workshops, and activities. Parents should sit down with their kids and see what sounds interesting! We encourage parents to really listen to their kids' preferences. Kids who aren't engaged and excited is not what we're going for! Parents can register their kids for individual classes, entire days, or a whole month. The wider the time frame, the more options the kids have to explore different classes with a variety of staff members. If your kid knows they only want to do one thing, then that's OK, too.


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